Participants can trade deposits in convertible mark (domestic currency) and foreign currencies. Only participants who are authorized to do business with deposits (banks and microfinance companies) in Bosnia and Herzegovina may accept deposits via STN.
Deposits shall be traded at the following standard terms:
- overnight (О/N) - funds are paid into the account of the borrower on the date of the transaction, while the funds shall be returned on the next business day,
- ТОM/NЕXТ (ТND) - funds are paid into the account of the borrower on the next business day after the date of transaction, while the funds shall be returned on the next business day,
- SPОТ/NЕXТ (SND) - funds are paid into the account of the borrower on the second business day after the date of transaction, while the funds shall be returned on the next business day,
- short-term (SТD) - repayment period 2-6 days,
- week (1WD) - repayment period is 7 days,
- two-weeks (2WD) - repayment period 8-14 days,
- three-weeks (3WD) - repayment period 15-21 days,
- month (1MD) - repayment period from 22 days to 1 month,
- three months (3MD) - repayment period 1-3 months,
- six months (6MD) - repayment period 3-6 months,
- nine months (9MD) - repayment period 6-9 months,
- year (1YD) - repayment period 9 months to 365 days,
- other (ОТH).
Participants can make spot and future trades.
Trades are concluded when two participants via STN agree on all terms (amount, settlement date, repayment date, interest rate). The contract is automatically generated by STN and delivered to the counterparties.
Trading deposits is unsecured lending and a participant may submit to the Stock Exchange a blank bill of exchange as a guarantee to repay the debt.
Interest is calculated in the following way
Interest = (deposit value x number of days x interest rate)/360
The Stock Exchange publishes benchmark interest rates for each of standard terms at the Money Market web pages.