Listing of the Republic of Srpska Bonds for settlement of liabilities based on frozen savings accounts

The Banja Luka Stock Exchange Listing Commission on its session held on 24.09.2012 decided that the fourth issue of Republic of Srpska Bonds (symbol: RSDS-O-D) for settlement of liabilities based on frozen savings accounts shall be listed on the Official Market - segment: bonds and other debt securities. It will be listed 76,858,467 bonds, each bond with BAM 1 par value.

Trading with RSDS-O-D bonds will start on 26.09.2012 and will be traded using continuous trading method.


Title File type Size
RSDS-O-D_Prospekt.pdf pdf 1.4 MB
Odluka o uvrstenju obveznica RSDS-O-D.doc doc 69 KB
zahtjev i odluka.pdf pdf 2.5 MB

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