The 38th T-bills Auction Report

Date of auction 28.01.2016
Planned amount of the issue 20,000,000
Accepted amount of the issue 19,602,000.00
Date of payment 29.01.2016
Total amount of submitted bids 21,170,703.60
Total amount of accepted bids 19,602,000.00
Symbol of treasury bill RS16-T01
Highest offered price at interest rate   price 99.3068 / interest rate 0.7000%
Lowest offered price at interest rate   price 97.1516 / interest rate 2.9400%
Single price at interest rate   price 98.0100 / interest rate 2.0360%
Date of maturity 27.01.2017

© BLSE 2013, Banja Luka Stock Exchange, Inc.

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