Yield curve of Republic of Srpska debt securities

The Banja Luka Stock Exchange started publishing the yield curve of Republic of Srpska debt securities on 1 April 2014. The yield curve shows the relationship between yield and maturity of bonds and treasury bills of the Republic of Srpska. The yield curve shall be composed of the Republic of Srpska bonds and t-bills with market capitalization (nominal value) larger than 5 million KM.

The BLSE publishes the estimated yields for periods ranging from 6 months to 10 years at its website every day after the close of trading. More information about the yield curve is available at the following link. 

© BLSE 2013, Banja Luka Stock Exchange, Inc.

T: (387) 51 326 041, F: (387) 51 326 056, E: office@blberza.com