Public invitation for subscription and payment of the Republic of Srpska bonds 3rd issue is available in English

Ref.: 06.01/020-973/11
Date: 7th June 2012

Pursuant to the State Indebtedness, Debt and Guarantees Act ("Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska", no. 30/07 and 29/10), and in accordance with the Decision on Long-Term Indebtedness of the Republic of Srpska by the bond issue, no.: 01-214/12, dated 23rd February 2012 ("Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska", no. 23/12) and the Decision on the issue of the Republic of Srpska bonds by public invitation, number 04/1-012-2-1225/12 ("Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska", no. 51/12) Ministry of Finance issues:

For all domestic and foreign natural persons and legal entities

1. We are hereby inviting all interested natural persons and legal entities to participate in the public offering of the issue of Republic of Srpska bonds

2. Pursuant to the Decision on the issue of the Republic of Srpska bonds by public invitation, number 04/1-012-2-1225/12, dated 31st May 2012, the basic elements of the issue are:

• The issuer: The Republic of Srpska;
• Description of the issue: the issue of long-term bonds by public invitation;
• Number of Securities: 65.000;
• Nominal value of a single Security: 100 BAM;
• Planned amount of the issue: 6.500.000,00 BAM;
• Interest rate: fixed 6,00 % annual;
• Payment of the principal: bullet repayment after 7 (seven) years from the date of the registration of the issue;
• Payment of the interest rate: twice a year, after every six-month period from the date of registration of issue

3. Purchase order entry:
• 27th June 2012, in the period from 08:30 AM to 11:30 AM + "random time" (randomly selected time from 0 to 300 seconds);
• Place of entry: shall be done at authorized stock brokers, at Banja Luka Stock Exchange

4. Sales order entry and business conclusion:
• Ministry of Finance will entry sales order on 27th June 2012 in the period from 11:30 AM + "random time" to 12:00 AM;
• Business will be concluded on 27th June 2012 at 12:00 at unique equilibrium price;

5. Period after the auction.

• This phase will happen only in the case if the total amount of bonds in public invitation is not realized on 27th June 2012
• Purchase order will be entered on 28th June 2012 during the period from 08:30 AM to 12:00 AM. Business is realized at unique equilibrium price which is established on 27th June 2012.
• Business will be automatically realized by entry of the purchase order and the public invitation will be valid until offered amount of the bonds is realized or until the public invitation expiry on 28th June 2012 at 12:00 AM.

6. Payment and registration:
• Date of payment: until 29th June 2012, not later than 10 h;
• Payment: at Komercijalna banka a.d. Banja Luka, Veselina Masleše 6, 78 000 Banja Luka, account number: 571010-00002100-69;
• Registration date of Securities: after the payments and the application for registration at Central Registry of Securities, 29th June 2012, not later than 04:00 PM, at Central Registry of Securities

7. Early repayment:
• Ministry of Finance will, pursuant to the special decision of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, perform early repayment and organize regular repo auctions.

8. Other information:
• Public invitation is issued on 12th June 2012, in daily newspapers, on the internet site of the Government of Republic of Srpska segment Ministry of Finance and on the internet site of Banja Luka Stock Exchange
• Information material for investors is on the internet site of the Government of Republic of Srpska segment Ministry of Finance.
• Authorized person of the issuer for administering the issue is the Minister of Finance, PhD Zoran Tegeltija.
• For further information about the Republic of Srpska bonds, please contact Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Srpska, Trg Republike Srpkse 1, 78000 Banja Luka, Tel. 051/339-135, 051/339-134 and 051/339-128 or via e-mail

Ministry of Finance

PhD Zoran Tegeltija



Title File type Size
Republic of Srpska bonds 3 Public Invitation.doc doc 187 KB

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