The auction for the Republic of Srpska bonds has been completed

Date of auction 15. i 16.11.2011
Number of offered bonds 1,200,000
Nominal value 100
Planned amount of issue 120,000,000
Matures in 7 years
Principal payment at the end of maturity
Coupon rate 5%
Coupon payment semi-anually
Number of bonds sold 1,200,000
Percentage of bonds sold 100%
Price 90.47
Effective yield 6.83%
Value of bonds sold 108,564,000
Date of payment/registration 18.11.2011
Symbol RSRP-PO1
Highest offered price at interest rate    price 100 / interest rate 5.06 %
Lowest offered price at interest rate

 price 85.51 / interest rate 7.87 %


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