Public invitation for subscription and payment of the Republic of Srpska bonds - 71st issue

Ref.: 06.08/020-2508/24
Date: September 20, 2024

Under the Law on Borrowing, Debt and Guarantees of the Republika Srpska ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", number: 71/12, 52/14, 114/17, 131/20, 28/21 and 90/21), and in accordance with the Decision on the Republika Srpska Long-term Borrowing for 2024 (''Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska'', number: 112/23) and the Decision on the seventy first Republika Srpska Bonds Issue by Public Offering (''Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska'', number: 82/24), the Republika Srpska Ministry of Finance hereby announces the following:

For all domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals

1. All interested legal entities and individuals are kindly invited to participate in the public offering of the Republika Srpska bonds.

2. Pursuant to the decision of the Republika Srpska Government - Decision on the Republika Srpska seventy first Bonds Issue by Public Offering, number: 04/1-012-2-2825/24 dated September 19, 2024, basic elements of the issue are defined as follows:
· Issuer: Republika Srpska;
· Issue Description: issue of long-term bonds by public offering;
· Total Number of Bonds Offered: 41.000;
· Currency: BAM;
· Bonds Face Value: 1.000 BAM;
· Issue Volume: to 41.000.000,00 BAM;
· ISIN Number: BA10RSBDO520;
· Auction Date: September 30, 2024;
· Interest Rate: fixed rate of 6 per cent. per annum;
· Principal Repayment: once at maturity date (after a period of five years counting from the date of issuance registration with the Central Registry of Securities);
· Interest Payment: interest will accrue on the principal amount of the bond and will be payable once a year (counting from the date of issuance registration).
3. Entering purchase orders:
· Recording Date: September 30, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. + "random time" (randomly chosen time of 0 to 300 seconds);
· Subscription Place: subscription shall take place with authorized stockbrokers at the Banja Luka Stock Exchange.

4. Entering sale orders and closing deals:
· The Ministry of Finance shall enter sale orders on September 30, 2024 from 11:30 a.m. + "random time" to 12:00 p.m.;
· Deals shall be closed on September 30, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. at uniform equilibrium price.

5. After auction period:
· This phase exists only if the bonds are not sold out in the public offering on September 30, 2024;
· Purchase orders shall be entered on October 01, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Deals shall be closed at the uniform equilibrium price achieved on September 30, 2024;
· Deals shall be automatically closed by entering purchase orders and the public offering shall be open until the bonds are sold out or the public offering expires on October 01, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

6. Payment and subscription:
· Payment Date: until 10:00 a.m. on October 02, 2024;
· Payment Account: Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka, Kralja Alfonsa XIII 37a, 78 000 Banja Luka, number: 555-100-00436529-75;
· Subscription Date: October 02, 2024, after the payments are made and a registration request is submitted to the Central Registry of Securities, but not later than 4:00 p.m.

7. Maturity:
· Maturity: five years;
· Maturity Date: October 02, 2029.

8. Early redemption:
· The Ministry of Finance can, in accordance with a special decision of the Republika Srpska Government, perform an early redemption and organize regular repo auctions.

9. Other information:
· Public invitation will be announced on September 21, 2024 in a daily newspaper, on the Republika Srpska Government's website:, the Ministry of Finance segment, and the Banja Luka Stock Exchange's website:;
· Information for investors can be found on the Republika Srpska Government's website:, the Ministry of Finance segment. The prospectus will be available at the the Banja Luka Stock Exchange's website: and Republika Srpska Government's website:, the Ministry of Finance segment.
· Person authorized for administering the bond issue is the Republika Srpska Minister of Finance, Mrs. Zora Vidović;
· For further information on the Republika Srpska bonds, please contact the Republika Srpska Ministry of Finance, Trg Republike Srpske 1, 78000 Banja Luka, Phone: +387 51 339 135 and +387 51 339 128 or email: and

Ministry of Finance

Zora Vidović



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